Fat Out’s artwork has always been a work of art in its own right, created by two incredibly talented friends MJF Chance and Lewis McLean; the former a painter, printer and draughtsman, the latter a graphic designer and photo illustrator.


For this years festival we really wanted to combine these disciplines from our two long serving, faithful designers; commissioning a joint effort for the festival’s posters using Chance’s beautiful illustration with Lewis’s keen eye for typography and graphics. We sent a loose idea of the theme, along with the details for the text. The two artists worked in tandem to produce an entirely new, unique image and we are thrilled with the results!

http://www.mjfchance.co.uk/ http://mjfchance.wordpress.com/ http://www.behance.net/LewisMclean

M J F    C H A N C E

L E W I S   M C L E A N

LewisFatOutNYC fatoutNYC 190569_210003399015630_100000179147674_895733_4245 Enablersposterfinal JARBOEfinalposter 16.8.12CosmicDead borisposter FOFposter1